Last year - 2009

Scream guy, Optimus Prime, and a Fairy

Spider-Man, Cowgirl, OBwon Kinobe

Lion, Optimus Prime, Sleeping Beauty
I'm missing pictures from this month during a computer transfer they got deleted (I was not happy with Ben for this). However, I know Nana and Papa Randy and Aunt Brandy were with us for Boo at the Zoo this year and I am hoping they have a pictures somewhere.
Luke was a fireman, Anna was a spider (I think) and Beau was a starfish.

Fender (From Robots), Cinderella apparently I didn't dress Luke in a costume.

Mouse and Lion (Anna and Beau) Or Beauty and the Beast (Beau and Khiara)
I have no recollection what we did for Halloween in 2003, I can't find a picture
and I just have no idea, we might have been in Michigan but really don't know.
Beau went as Al from Home Improvement and Ben was Tim the Toolman,
those pictures aren't digital though.
That was a lot of Halloweens to remember but I'm glad they are all documented
and tomorrow I will add one more.
Happy Halloween Eve.