Anna started middle school, I was way more worried about her than I was Beau, but she has rolled into it like it's no big thing. Her grades aren't perfect, but she's happy, she's making friends and she's having fun. She's found a new confidence this year in just being herself. She has joined a travel softball team and her drive and motivation impress me.
She never lets anybody tell her she can't she just figures out how to make it her own way in everything she does.
She's kind and generous all the time. Owen loves her because she makes time for him. Anna's greatest trait is her ability to find goodness in everyone. She never says a negative word about anyone, she will point to a positive in the person even when they are hard to find she inspires me to look deeper into everyone I meet and find their good. I hope she holds onto that part of her forever, her heart is so full of love and she brings a smile to all she meets.