Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Joke Of The Day

This morning was a fun productive beginning to the day, guess I should get up a little earlier more often.
Now to the comedy that surrounds my life.
Luke: "Mom, Owen is at the top of the steps."
Me: "So get him."
After retrieving Owen from the hall and bringing him to a more secure location.
Me (to all children): "If Owen is at the top of the steps, stop him from going any closer to them or falling down them, I don't care if you have to sit on him."
Beau:"Then we really will be baby'sitters'."

Thanks for the humor Beau, never a dull moment with him around, it has kept a smile on my face all morning. Now to motivate myself to go work out and pray Owen sleeps long enough for me to get it done.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Owen showing off

Owen was blowing his nose today out to lunch, but wouldn't do it as well on camera. He does give the sweetest kisses though.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just A Photo Shoot

I was just feeling a little creative today so I snapped a few photos of my little ball boy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reason 782 I Love My Husband

We got carpet in the fifth bedroom today. The walls are painted, the sockets are in and now the carpet is done. The ceiling and door are all thats left and the room is complete. When there is an empty room, the noise level increases when daddy breaks out wrestlmania. Kids go running when someone says "Dad's wrestling" and I have ten minutes all to myself. They always wonder why I don't come join them, but today I had to grab the camera, I love having the memories. Owen missed out he was sleeping, maybe next time.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Owen Adventure

Love those eyes.
Wanting to stand.
Allowed to play in the ash.
Ecstatic to try something new.

Found a pencil.
Dirty feet.

Dirty hands.
Clapping with pride.

Comforting with blanket.
Lost the pencil to mom.
Lost the dirt to a wipe.
Found my blanket and back on my feet.

Life is never dull in my house, I can always find something to do
or someone to entertain me.

Owen's Tricks

Owen is pulling himself up regularly. He tries to let go, but his balance is far from ready for him to do that so he falls quickly. The first picture is a normal pose for him, his tongue is always sticking out or he is chewing on it. He is a busy boy.

Snow Play

Luke and Anna had to go get a sled full of wood for the shed on the porch. They did get the wood, and got it to the front porch, but the 6 foot snow drift out our front door held more appeal than getting the wood into the shed. They had lots of fun, and I love that Oscar sat right there with them. Luke is only half way down the pile in this picture. Makes for lots of shoveling to keep the sidewalk clear.

Owen on the Move

Snapping pictures of Owen isn't as easy as it use to be. Getting him to stay still long enough to get one is difficult. I love this warm fleece outfit on him, the blue makes his eyes pop and it was really cold here last week.
Coming to get me.

At my feet talking to me.

This picture is a spitting image of his daddy, (I think his Memere will agree).
I don't knowwhy hanging upside down made him look so much like Benjie
but it did and I'm glad I got this shot.

This picture is probably one of my most favorite ever.
I'm cropping it and printing it as an 8 x 10.
Its about time he got up on the wall with his siblings. :)

Anna's Cheerleading

Anna attended cheer camp for a day one Saturday. They learned some cheers and then got to perform at half time of the varsity boys basketball game. She really enjoyed the day full of activity and learning the cheers. She was very stiff on the floor but did the cheers really well for me when she got home, I guess nerves got to her a little bit.

Waiting to go out to perform.

Pictures were hard because at times she was directly behind a high schooler.