So we did after school photos because Beau and Anna were barely up when Luke had to leave. I HATE the first day of school it is always hard to let go of them again. Anna and Beau both went to middle school, Beau pointed Anna in the right direction. I didn't walk any if them in this year, they don't need it anymore. They all had a great day! Anna loves middle school but hates the bus, I'm sure listening to Beau complain about it for the last year didn't help. It was fun for me to listen to them walk home I could hear them talking way down the road it helps that we have no neighbors and it is very quiet here. I'm glad they have eachother I wouldn't say Owen and Luke get along near as well although Owen couldn't wait for Luke to get off the bus. It was a great day and in two weeks Owen starts preschool. I already know I'm going to hate the first day of school next year more than I hated this one, but I'm thankful for each day we have.