Today was the first day of school. One in kindergarten and one in first grade. It was also Luke's third birthday, can you believe it, how time flies. So we are posting tonight a video of Luke playing ball with his new mitt and ball. Can you tell how much fun he was having.
Beau and Anna love their new school, who knew it would all be such a wonderful day.
Not to mention I made my first batch of zuccini bread ever, and it tasted good. So chalk up today as one of the good ones.
wow, i cant believe my luke is 3 now, this video made me cry, i jus miss everything and everyone so much. things are so stressful and confusing at school, i jus dnt know how im gonna get used to this. well if luke ever decideds he wants to talk to me, u can just give me a call, and if beau or anna wanna talk, i wud love to hear how school is going for them. i miss them all so very much, things are a lot harder then i and being away from home and people you care about. well, i love you bridget, and tell ben, beau, anna and luke the same. i cannot wait to come home and see you all. give the kids big hugs and kisses from me. talk to you soon.
Love, Amanda
Wow!! There is athletic talent! :) Great job Luke and not bad Ben. I was impressed Ben was playing catch and not Bridget.
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