Monday, September 28, 2009

High School Football Game

I still am not sure why we went to the highschool football game Friday night, but we did. It was fun and Ben had been wanting to go. Apparently all of Havre joins in on these festive nights, plus it was homecoming. The Blue Ponies (yes that is the mascot, don't ask) won the game so that made it all the better.
However, the highlight for me was what you see in the pictures. Since Beau has been very little he would not go near a costumed person, even his favorite looney tunes characters at Six Flags this summer were shunned by him. He cowered walking near them. Halloween has always been interesting because if an adult was dressed up Beau would avoid that house, especially when they were donning full masks. But for some reason Friday, the Blue Pony did not phase Beau at all, he begged to have his picture taken with the silly creature. I of course flabbergasted by the whole turn of events chased the Blue Pony down and captured the moment. The kids had a good time and others commented on how much they enjoyed watching my kids during the game. To me that sounds like they were a distraction, but I wouldn't say the game was all that exciting. Although the last picture of Anna here makes it look like she was very entranced by the game. She wasn't. I just caught some funny pictures of her.
I am still in awe of the way my kids change and grow when I least expect it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Treats from The Parade

Saturday was the Festival Days Parade here. We went to the two hour long ordeal and knew we were going to get lots of candy, yeah for that. What I didn't know was we'd come home with something else. One of the groups were giving away kittens, and Ben just couldn't pass it up, so now we have a kitten. The kids are in love, his name is Oreo. He will move outside with the other cat eventually but for now he lives in the mud room until he can fend for himself against the other hoodlums that live outside.
I thought it was a perfect replacement for the lost rabbit that Anna has been asking to replace for months, same colors and everything. I thought wrong. Yesterday at the library she checked out a book on rabbits, as well as one on whales and chipmunks before I steered her back to the fiction section.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Swingset

Ben and I (but mostly Ben) spent this weekend and last building the kids a swingset outback. They love it. The monkey bars aren't finished yet but will be by the end of the week. Enjoy the images of them enjoying their swingset.
Anna had a virus this weekend and although she was much better today she was only allowed out for a very limited time to enjoy her swingset. She spent all last weekend out with Ben helping in any way possible and it was very hard for her not to be able to help this weekend, but she is happy it is finished and will spend a lot of time on it this week.