Friday, April 27, 2018

4th Grade Reflections

Sometimes as parents we wonder is their catechism really sinking in.
I know my faith requires me to take them to religious education weekly but does it matter.
These reflections by 4th graders show it matters, THEY GET IT.
They remember our time is worth it, their time is worth it, it's sinking in they are meeting God and Jesus and their faith is building and becoming their own and they feel Jesus present.
A glimpse of what they reflected on last week.


..."My favorite thing we learned this year is parables. A parable is a story told by Jesus to teach us a moral, spiritual lesson."

..."My favorite thing I learned was how Jesus died on the cross for us. I found it facinating that Jesus went through pain just for our sins. I learned that people were excited to see him die and teased him and he did not even fight back. He did not tell them to stop and went through the pain for us."

..."My favorite thing we learned was the seven Sacraments. This is because I did not know a lot about them and what they were. They helped me learn what they are. The seven Sacraments are Baptism, Penance, First Communion/Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick and Holy Orders. So far I received Baptism, Penance, and First Communion. I will only receive 6 in my life, because I am not a man and I'm not going to become a priest, deacon or bishop."

..."Works of mercy were my favorite lesson. There are 2 kinds of mercy corporal and spiritual actos of mercy. There are 7 corporal and spiritual acts of mercy."

..."I never knew about Saul when we heard the story about Saul it was amazing because he did not like Christians and one day he got knocked off of a horse. He became blind because of that, Jesus and God had touched Saul. Saul was no longer blind and turned into St. Paul."

..."The 10 Comandments was my favorite thing to learn this year. I learn about the 10 Commandments every year and I learn somethiing new every year. This year I learned that the stone was on Mount Sinai. I knew the stone was on a mountain but I didn't know which one."

..."During PSR, I learned about the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross describe what happened to Jesus oon the day of his death. The Stations reminds us of what Jesus went through before he was crucified for our sins. This journey shows us how much Jesus loved us."

..."THE BEST YEAR EVER, This year we have learned a lot about our savior Jesus. I have had the two most wonderful teachers to teach me all about Jesus. My favorite thing that I have learned this year is about how God died for our sins and he still to this day forgives us when we sin. And my second thing that I loved was how Jesus has magic to heal the sick and the unhealthy. This year has been a really good year and I hate to see that it has to end soon but I know that Jesus is always with me."

..."Something I liked that I learned is the parables. I always thought they were just little stories, but now I know they were told by Jesus to teach us a moral spiritual lesson. That made me want to learn more. Now I like so many I don't even have a favorite."

..."This year in PSR clas the favorite thing that I learned was the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit. The 12 Holy fruits are charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, modesty, self-control, chastity, and faithfulness. These were the 12 Holy fruits. This year was the best I have learned a lot about God and Jesus Christ."

..."The best thing that I learned this year was parables. I did not know what parables were become I came to class. I left very excited. I told my mom and dad about parables and they liked them to. My favorite parable  is the lost sheep just like Father."

..."One of the things I learned in PSR this year is about spiritual and corporal acts of mercy. A spiritual act of mercy is something you do mentally like for example, praying. A corporal act of mercy is physical and an example of that is giving food to the hungry or giving things to people who are in need. That concludes todays lesson about spiritual and corporal acts of mercy."

..."What I learned was parables. Now I know parables are told by Jesus and parables teach a moral lesson. And that is what I learned."

..."My favorite part of PSR was learning the Ten Commandments. The help me live a better life and to be nice to my brothers."

..." The best thing I loved this year is about the challenges. You both tested my mind. I also learned a lot about God. This is the best class ever."

..."One thing I learned about in PSR this year was parables. One thing I learned about parables as parables were short stories told by Jesus Christ. Another thing I learned about parables was that parables are told to teach a moral lesson. One last thing I learned about parables was they were told in the New Testament."

..."The best thing I learned was spiritual and corporal acts of mercy. This is my favorite because it's helping people out. For example if there was someone homeless and I had food I could give it to him, that would be a corporal act. A spiritual act of mercy would be if your cat died you could pray for  him."

..."The favorite thing I learned in PSR is the Ten Commandments because it taught me to do the right and good things and to the right way to behave."

..."My favorite lesson this year is the creeds. There are three different creeds, the Athanasius, the Nicene and the Apostle's Creed. I didn't know this until I learned it this year. My favorite one is the Apostles' Creed. We used to use this one in Mass but now we use the Nicene Creed. The creeds help me know my faith this is why they are my favorite."

..."My favorite thing I learned in PSR are the Ten Commandments. It shows what to do and and what not to do. Jesus wrote them on our hearts and gave them to Moses on the mountain. This is the best thing I learned this year."

..."What I learned in PSR this year is that the Church runs on a Liturgical Year. Before the lesson on the Liturgical year I had no idea how many other season there are in the Liturgical Calendar. All I really knew about before this year was that there are Easter and Christmas. But now I know that there are is Advent, Lent, preparing for the birth of Christ and Ordinary Time. I would also like to add the colors, each season has a different color. An example of the is Advent, Advent has the color purple which I had no idea of this before."

..."My favorite thing we learned is the 10 Commandments. I learned that I shall not take the Lord's name in vain. My favorite is I shall not kill. This year was an amazing journey."

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