Friday, September 12, 2008

Conversations with Anna

Anna has been home sick for a few days...
That has left her much rambling time, I still can't figure out why no one else seems to think that she can talk and does talk. She is so quiet at school her teacher is happy to get three words out of her. She says she is shy, I think she just likes to see how crazy she can make me. Gotta love a child that knows more than she lets on, she is always making those around her wonder.

Some of her more interesting pieces...
"Mom there's an airplane."
Yes, Anna, good eyes.
"Mom, Memere is going to fly on a plane here, but she isn't on that plane."
"When is she coming"
She will be here in November at Thanksgiving.
"How many days is that."
Too many to count right now.
"OK, but will you tell me when it is the day after tomorrow."
Sure Anna.

The Doctor asked "is she allergic to anything"
To which I answered not that we know of.
She was flabbergasted, with a look of disgust she promptly tapped me on the shoulder and said
"I am allergic to cats" yes Anna, but that isn't a concern right now.

Question of the day that I had no answer to today...
"Mom, Why is Goofy, goofy?"

Anyone, she would like an answer.


Anonymous said...

Cause God made him that way! That is still my standby response! I am glad I checked in this morning! I really didn't understand this blogging thing until now. It is going to be great to feel better connected with all of you. I LOVE hearing about Anna! I pray she is feeling better and back in school. The house pictures scare me. We have still not decided what we are going to do. The total keeps rising on getting the modular home built the only way we would want it! SO, we are still looking. Although we thought closing would be yesterday, we are now in the dark about when it will be! Have heard nothing since early last week. Will be sure to be a regular visitor here, keep up the great work! Love Aunt Patty (Nana)

Anonymous said...

Because he can be!
~Love ya Tam