Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Day of Seven

So while I should be doing a million other things, I'm going to do this because it's fun and we all deserve a little fun. I have kind of become bloggy since starting my own blog but I only seem to follow three regularly. And today "this is reverb" posted a challenge of sorts and I am not one who could pass it up. I also greatly admire the writer of this blog as he is proof that God has a grand purpose for our lives if we just allow Him to work through us.
So my sevens...

Seven pictures just because...

I don't know where we would be in life without Beau and Bionicles.

My No. 1 on what makes me smile, and my man with tools.

The grandchildren of my parents minus the newest one in Michigan so now there are 7.

Tandem skydiving, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
My beautiful silly children.
Hard work that is what we are all about.
And fun, can't forget the fun.

Seven things that make me smile...
1. Watching my husband with our children.
2. Luke's spiderman dance, I've really got to get that on video.
3. Beau's quest for knowledge with comments of all kinds.
4. Anna's stubborn outlook on life, yet she is so easy going, could someone please explain little girls to me.
5. A phone call from a friend.
6. Making my husband laugh, even though it is usually at my expense.
7. My family all together in church on Sunday.

Seven lessons God has taught me this year...
1. With loss comes growth, you will get it through it, but it takes time.
2. His plan is better than mine, I have to learn this one over and over.
3. Trusting in Him means trusting in other humans too, that is hard for me.
4. We all have a beautiful offering to give.
5. Sometimes we just have to let go and let God.
6. Giving to others can feel better than receiving.
7. Children can teach you more than you can teach them (sometimes).

We need to forgive 70 times 7 times, that is what Jesus teaches and that is SO HARD, but that is always the first thing I think of when I think of the number 7. Forgiveness is the lesson I hope to most instill in my children.

Thanks Pastor Ryan, for keeping me from my regularly scheduled tasks of the day, and making me slow down and look at all the great things in life, there are so many more than 7.

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