Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Anna's Candidness

The kids each got digital cameras for Christmas, and they have had a lot of fun with them. Here are some that I pulled off Anna's camera tonight. She likes to get really close to things so I had to delete some very strange pictures, but others are good and some are just plain interesting.


Mrs B said...

She has some real talent! Girl could make a living! :)

Devin said...

Hi there!

Thanks so much for visiting over at my blog, and thank you for your sweet and reassuring comment!

4 months...YIKES! I hate being without my hubby even for a day's work :-), but I know there are thousands of women who do it all the time for much longer--such as yourself! :-) (Thank you, your hubby, and your family, by the way, for your service to our country!)

Come back anytime...it was very nice to "meet" you!

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