Two boys, a box of k'nex and a little imagination can take you places you never dreamed of going. At least places I never dreamed of going. Who knew an ordinary afternoon would turn into blood, guts and gore with Ninja's around every corner. Ninjas with weapons meant to deconstruct but constructed with great fortitude and ingenuity. Beau started with just the axe, or chopper, you can call it what you will. He had instructions for that. But that weapon alone isn't enough to make you a true Ninja, you need more and you need to be stealthy. So Beau came up with the sword, Luke loves the sword. He has two or three sitting around just in case one is needed. Again though swords are not enough for these red shirted Ninjas we must have more. Beau designed a gun. He made each of them one or two and now they were ready to attack. They hid behind corners, made the girls scream when they jumped out to attack, and made their mom roll her eyes more than once at their anics. Until I finally pulled out a camera and captured them in their moments of glory.
You will notice Luke is only brandishing his sword in his pictures, but look closely at the first one and you will see his make-shift holster as his gun is stuck in the waste band of his pants. Don't look too closely though or you will notice his pants are on backwards. A common practice in Luke's world, he starts the day out with them on correctly but invariably at some point during the day after he strips to go to the bathroom (another Luke oddity) he puts them back on backwards. He gets very embarrassed when someone points it out so on days it doesn't matter I don't point it out. I just noticed as I got him out of the van from picking the kids up from school, his pants are on backwards again. Doesn't his face frighten you.
Beau was a bit more of a serious poser, with gun drawn, axe held high and sword down the back of his shirt for easy use once the gun runs out of ammo. Although that idea came from Luke, Luke will use anything as a sword, paper towel roll, a stick, and he always tucks it down his shirt. Beau was much stealthier than Luke in playing ninja and surprised me several times although I did have to put an end to him terrorizing the girls.
And they ended with a duel...
Those boys are, they are freakin adorable. Don't tell them I said that. Tell them I think they look like dangerous heroes...
I have thought many times reading about Beau and Luke that they would get only great with Dylan and Devin! Devin can turn anything into a sword or gun. I think it is a Y chromosone thing. I love getting to see how you are doing and totally borrowed youlr idea!
Hello! Your kids are so cute!! So, where in the middle of nowhere are you? You can email me if you want. We're in Bozeman - moved here a year ago from Missoula/Frenchtown where we lived since before we became, yk, us.
Nice to meet another blogger from MT!
I have an award for you over at my place! Two actually! :)
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