Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Right Way to Greet Guests and Make New Friends

Tonight we invited a family over for dinner. They were scheduled to come at 4. I shoveled the driveway, cleaned the house, got stuff ready to make pizza, kids rooms were ready to be played in. I thought I gave good directions. A little after 4 I notice activity out by the main road, then I notice a white suburban in the ditch, near the first possible entrance (that no one ever uses). I didn't remember what our new friends drove but I had a bad feeling. Ben got his boots and coat on to go help, on his way out a car is driving in, and oh yeah he got stuck on the side road up to our house. A good samaritan pulled the Suburban out, which was our friend and their three kids and Ben pulled the car which was her husband out. They left the car their so he could leave easier and drove the Suburban to the house. They drove seperately in case he had to go to work. So yes, they both got stuck in drifts after we invited them to our house, do you think they will come back?
I did make them pizza which they enjoyed so they might come back after the snow melts. The kids also played fabulously and thankfully no one slipped on the sheets of ice to or from the vehicles.
Only in Montana do you invite people over and have both of their cars end up needing assistance, kind of deters you from inviting anyone else over.

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